Education Acronyms Glossary

(see also: PISD's Commonly Used Special Education Acronyms)


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ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
ARD Admission/Review/Dismissal Meeting (Special Ed)
CMIT  Campus Monitoring and Intervention Team
DBIC  District Based Improvement Committee
ED  Emotionally Disturbed
ELL  English Language Learner
ESL  English as a Second Language
GT  Gifted & Talented
IC  Integrated Curriculum (Science, History, Health)
IEP  Individual Education Plan (Special Education)
IRI  Individual Reading Inventory
LD  Learning Disabled
LEP  Limited English Proficient
LPAC  Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
LRE  Least Restrictive Environment
NEA  National Education Association
OHI  Other Health Impaired
OLPT  Oral Language Proficiency Test
OT  Occupational Therapy
PACE Plano's Academic and Creative Education (Gifted)
PAR Plano Accelerated Reading Program (1st, 2nd, 3rd)/td>
PPCD Pre-School Program for Children with Disabilities
PT Physical Therapy
TEA Texas Education Agency
TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills
TPRI Texas Primary Reading Inventory (K-2 reading test)
504 Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against public school students with disabilities. That includes students with learning and attention issues who meet certain criteria. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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